The main prerequisite for a secure and durable dental implantation is the availability of a sufficient volume of the bone tissue. If the tooth has been absent for a long time, the bone starts atrophying gradually. This process intensifies after the age of 40. In case the bone tissue volume is not sufficient for performing thorough tooth implantation, the dentists in DentaTur clinics in Turkey (Antalya, Marmaris, Fethiye, Istanbul) are ready to conduct an operation called bone grafting.
Indications and contraindication for bone graft surgery
In contemporary dentistry the bone grafting is performed if any of the following holds:
- preparation for dental implantation if the bone tissue volume is not sufficient (the height of the bone is 10mm or less);
- bone thinning due to inflammatory processes or periodontosis;
- jaw deformities caused by traumas;
- jaw tumour removal;
- failure of the already installed dental implant;
- if the bone tissue volume is not sufficient for the due fixation of the removable dental prosthesis.
The contraindications include:
- acute inflammatory diseases of any localization (especially sinusitis, rhinitis, and stomatitis);
- heavy osteoporosis;
- oncologic diseases, including the blood-related ones;
- blood clotting disorders;
- immune deficiency of any nature;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- severe chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as kidneys and liver chronic diseases);
- mental disturbances.
In the majority of patients the volume of the bone tissue starts reducing as early as one month after the tooth loss. Timely osteoplasty helps:
- fix the dental implants in quality and secure way for future prosthetics;
- restore the natural appearance and functions of the gum;
- eliminate discomfort which appears in the process of chewing;
- recreate regular facial features.
Bone grafting techniques
Dentists employ three techniques aimed at restoring the necessary volume of the bone tissue:
- sinus lifting;
- bone block grafting;
- guided bone regeneration (GBR).
Sinus lifting is performed only in the side sections of the upper jaw. This technique is based on increasing the width of the maxillary sinus and implies inserting the bone graft underneath the membrane that covers the maxillary sinus’ walls from the inside. After the survival of the bone graft, the width of the bone becomes sufficient for implantation purposes.
Bone grafting is conducted in two stages. First, the dentist removes a small fragment of the bone from the chin region or a particular section of the upper jaw. Then this fragment gets inserted in the spot characterized by the bone tissue insufficiency. The bone graft gets fixed with screws and sealed with a special membrane. This technique is used on any part of the jaw and allows restoring even a considerable bone tissue deficit.
In the presence of the relatively mild bone thinning, GBR is performed. The restoring material gets inserted in the implantation area and covered with a membrane that prevents its destruction. Such an operation can be performed simultaneously with the dental implantation.
The selection of the bone grafting technique is made by the doctor. The dentists who work in our clinics in Turkey always prefer the least traumatizing methods of the bone tissue restoration, which helps reduce the rehabilitation period.
Bone grafting materials
The rapidity of the bone graft survival depends heavily on the material used for the elimination of the bone tissue insufficiency. This can be:
- cattle bone (usually a bull’s one): such a material costs little but is characterized by a very long rehabilitation period and an increased failure risk;
- donor bone of another human: the failure risk is lower than in the first case, and the survival is more rapid;
- the patient’s bone: one of the most preferred materials which survive quickly and never fails since the body does not treat it as a foreign object;
- artificial bone graft: contemporary materials can imitate the patient’s tissues almost perfectly though they cost a lot.
Bone grafting for further dental implantation is a full-scale surgical intervention. Surgeons are required to employ all their skills while patients should follow strictly the doctor’s recommendations. Bone graft surgery rarely causes complications. The most frequent problems include:
- bleeding from the surgical wound;
- wound disruption;
- suppuration;
- bone graft failure.
Possible signs of an unsuccessful operation are:
- prolonged and severe pain that does not go away even after taking painkillers;
- facial numbness;
- a heavy swell that does not allow opening the mouth (a middle-sized swell is a normal consequence during the first several days after the intervention);
- high body temperature.
If you start experiencing at least one of such symptoms, it is necessary to contact your dentist as soon as possible. Practising careful attention to their health, patients can expect the minimal risk of complications.
Price of bone graft surgery in DentaTur clinics in Turkey
The cost of single-tooth preimplantation bone grafting depends on the treatment method and the selected type of the bone graft. The exact price of the intervention gets determined after the medical examination. The estimated prices are indicated below.
We offer our patients the most advanced bone grafting techniques. Each patient obtains:
- a comprehensive medical examination which comprises 3D computer tomography and optical imprints (if necessary);
- oral cavity sanitation for the minimization of complications;
- quality local anaesthesia;
- general anaesthesia or medical sedation (upon the patient’s desire);
- affordable prices on a turnkey basis.
Bone grafting is the key to successful dental implantation. We consider no case to be too complex to deal with. Book your preliminary consultation right now and see for yourself!