empress veneers

Before & After

Implants in Turkey Before and After
Before and after dental treatment

What is an Empress Veneer or an Empress Crown?

A Full Porcelain dental crown is a type of dental crowns used for the front teeth. Full porcelain dental crowns are also known as full ceramic crowns, full ceramic veneers, full porcelain veneers and are preferred by patients who want the closest aesthetic results to the natural tooth. Before the preparation, dental technicians form the substructure by modelling it. The technician then transforms these substructure models into materials that can withstand high temperatures using appropriate techniques. The empress mould is made by being melted and pressed in a special empress furnace oven and the appropriate form and colour of the tooth are given

Empress substructure veneers are mostly used on front teeth for aesthetic appearance. It has a high light transmittance due to containing a high percentage of ceramic materials, rather than composite materials, which is the reason why it is easy to achieve a natural looking result. Empress veneers are high endurance and can withstand between 600-750 megapascal force.

Even though it’s not considered strong enough for masticatory forces in maxillary molars, with the latest premium products it’s possible to use for the back teeth area.

Why should I have an Empress Veneer or an Empress Crown?

  •  For the perfect smile design, to create harmony in the end result,
  • If there is misshaped tooth smaller or bigger than the others,
  • To fix the gap between teeth when there is no other possible treatment,
  • To give a natural look to a tooth which has been worn down or too much damage for various reasons,
  • To lengthen the tooth if needed,
  • When there is discolouration because of overusing antibiotics medication and flour products, to change the colour and crown the tooth just for aesthetic looks.

Under these circumstances, full ceramic empress crowns are the most suitable treatment.

What kind of teeth is Empress Veneer best for?

Empress veneers are good for a single tooth aesthetic crown. They are not preferred as a bridge for missing teeth. They are mostly used specifically for the 6 front teeth in the upper jaw and lower jaw.

Which teeth can not Empress Crowns be used for?

They are Not preferred on maxillary molars. Empress crowns are not appropriate on a tooth that has been cut previously as it is impossible to get the perfect shape which could result in a breakage of the crown.

  • It’s not advised for covering a missing tooth
  • On root canaled teeth which contain metal pins
  • Empress tooth coatings are not suitable when a metal abutment is used on an implant surface as there will be a colour problem

In which conditions it is good to have full Porcelain Crowns?

  • Discolouration as a result of ageing, flour and antibiotics
  • With root canaled teeth as they cannot be whitened successfully with whitening treatments
  • Teeth with congenital tissue or deformation
  • Teeth which are eroded physically and chemically
  • When there are gaps between the teeth
  • In need of multiple restorations and smile design

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What are the processes of Empress Crowns?

Our dentist takes a picture and measures the size of your teeth. Then the local anaesthetic is given the preparation process of the teeth is performed. After reshaping of the teeth is complete the teeth are then measured again. In the laboratory, the measurements taken from the patient are transferred to the digital environment with the help of a scanner and a model is made. As with other types of crowns and treatments, there are two rehearsals in empress crowns. In the first one, our dentist sees the harmony of the model in the mouth. At this stage, if there are any complications, we bring it back to the laboratory and reconstruct it. When the first rehearsal is complete, the technicians elaborate the porcelain onto it. They give it its colour and shape and bring back to us for the second try-on.

Now the patient can easily decide by seeing the colour, shape and harmony in the mouth. We change anything which needs to be changed and then sends it to the laboratory for the last process which is polishing. After polishing is complete, using the appropriate solution and adhesives, the empress coatings are applied to the patient’s mouth and the treatment is thus completed.

shades of empress veneers in turkey

Will I be without teeth during the treatment?

After the cutting or filing processes are completed of the patient’s teeth, temporary coatings are prepared with the help of the measurements taken and are usually attached to the patient within the first day. The temporary coatings are used until the treatment is completed to prevent sensitivity in the teeth and for aesthetic purposes.

How long does the treatment session take?

Normally, It takes about 10 minutes per single tooth in the first session. The following session will usually be shorter as it is used for the try-on. 

When will I be able to eat?

You can start to use your teeth normally on completion of the treatment and after the anesthetic wears off.

Do full Ceramic Veneers cause cold-warm sensitivity?

It is very normal to feel tooth sensitivity in the first few days of treatment due to the filing of the teeth. However, the sensitivity lessen and within a few weeks disappears completely. If it is necessary, it is possible to do a root canal to remove the sensitivity.

How should I take care of Porcelain Veneers?

Brushing the teeth properly is enough. Our dentist will advise and demonstrate how to brush your teeth properly whilst you are in our clinic.  

Do full Ceramic Veneers cause gum disease?

Full ceramic veneer has an excellent biological adaptation which makes them feel like your own teeth.  They don’t have any allergic risks and they do not cause colouration on the gum edge. It is a type of treatment that you can use for a very long time as long as the hygiene rules are taken into consideration since they are made of materials with high tissue compatibility.

Could Empress Veneers fall off?

Adhesives with the highest bonding ability used in dentistry are used for gluing Empress coatings, so it has not yet been observed by us that such coatings can be removed after such treatment.

Is the tooth covered with Empress Decay from the inside?

Because they are fully compatible with the tooth, there is no suitable area for bacterial plaque accumulation under the empress tooth coatings. Therefore, dental caries is not observed. Thanks to its special adhesive cement, you can safely use it for many years as there will be no dissolving due to mouth fluids between the tooth and the coating.

Does the colour and shape change in the Empress Coatings in time?

One of the biggest advantages of Empress dental application is that the colour of tooth coating does not change. Because the material used is glass ceramic, Even if a dirt layer forms on the surface with factors such as cigarettes, the dentist can easily clean it with a dental cleaning session. When the recommended regular brushing process is adhered to, this process is not required.

SubstanceLight permeability
and Naturalness
Zirconia based
porcelain veneer
E max laminate
laminate veneer

Do Empress coatings smell?

They never smell. One of the biggest causes of bad breath is gum disease. They do not cause such a problem, as they are fully compatible with the gum biologically.

Can Empress Veneers cause an allergic reaction in the mouth?

Biologically, gums are highly compatible with cheeks and teeth. No allergic reactions have been observed. As a dental coating that can be used safely, it can be easily applied for patients with allergies.

Is full Porcelain Veneer usable for a patient who is allergic to metals?

Yes, it doesn’t contain any metal materials.

With my old crowns I have a grey coloured area in the corner of my gums, could I have the same problem with Empress Crowns?

Discoloured gums are as a result of metal materials in crowns. Full ceramic crowns don’t contain any metals.

My current veneers are dull white colour, is it possible to have a natural white tooth with Empress Veneers?

The dull coloured look results from a material named opaker which is used for covering the metal colour your current veneers. This material is not used in ceramic veneers. For this reason, your teeth transmit light like a natural tooth and look natural.

I have a single malformation tooth, with Empress Veneers how will it look?

Especially in single tooth crowns when it is needed to imitate the other teeth around it, empress veneers are the best choice.

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