tooth extraction in turkey

The dentistry of the 21st century encourages the preservation of the tooth row integrity. However, in certain cases, the only alternative is the tooth extraction. This in-office surgical intervention consists in performing manipulations with jaw-bone tissues when the tooth gets completely removed from its socket.

Just like any other type of surgery, tooth extraction is rather traumatic for the human body. In DentaTur chain of clinics in Turkey (Antalya, Marmaris, Fethiye, and Istanbul) negative consequences of the tooth extraction are close to zero, while the efficient anaesthesia helps relieve patients from any sensation of pain.

In what cases the teeth can and cannot be extracted

Tooth extraction can be either urgent or planned. The first scenario is associated with the following indications:

  • longitudinal tooth fracture;
  • inflammation due to which the tooth has become a source of purulent infection (periodontitis, abscess);
  • transverse fracture of a crown and the impossibility to use endodontic treatment techniques.

Planned tooth extraction on the upper and lower jaw is performed in the following cases:

  • destroyed roots which cannot be used as a base for dental implantation;
  • third degree of tooth mobility;
  • when conservative treatment is not feasible due to the complexity of the canal configuration;
  • if the tooth injures the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

There are no absolute contraindications for performing such surgical intervention. However, in a number of cases it would be better to postpone the tooth extraction:

  • infectious diseases in general and in the oral cavity in particular;
  • if the tooth is located within a malignant tumour;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • early or late pregnancy.

It is not recommended to extract baby teeth if an X-ray image does not show the signs of permanent teeth.

The operation is performed with the use of special dental tools – forceps, or elevators. In certain cases, the root gets cut off with the dental drill. The form of such surgical tools and their application depending on the anatomical features and the localization of the teeth. Tooth extraction in DentaTur centres is conducted in a dental chair with the use of anaesthesia.

Front teeth extraction

Front teeth (incisors) are engaged in seizing and biting food. Besides, they are clearly visible when we smile. Due to aesthetic and functional reasons, the extraction of front teeth is performed only if there is no opportunity to save the tooth.

When selecting the technique for extracting a tooth, the dentist assesses the state of the roots and the peculiarities of the bone tissue:

  • Upper front incisors have a cone-shaped root and get extracted by rotating movements. After the tooth becomes mobile, it can easily be removed from the socket.
  • Lower front teeth have a single root – straight and thin, often pinched. To be extracted, such teeth should be first inclined towards the lip and then towards the tongue.

You should not get discouraged if you had to undergo front teeth extraction. Contemporary prosthetics techniques allow restoring the aesthetics of the tooth row. While the permanent prosthesis is being manufactured, the patients are offered to wear a temporary one. After the treatment is over, the dentist will provide you with recommendations for taking care of the area where the surgical intervention has been performed. In 1-2 weeks the socket will heal completely.

Adjacent teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth often have a wrong position, meaning that they are located outside the dental arch, at an angle, etc. In such cases, the space between the eighth tooth and the adjacent molar accumulates food residuals which are rather difficult to be removed.

As a result, carious lesions appear. Deep caries often affects both teeth, making the preservation of the wisdom tooth almost impossible.

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth (third molars) are the eighth dental units in the tooth row, starting from its middle. They appear at an adolescent age or even later while 8 per cent of people never develop such teeth. Wisdom teeth have several differences from other dental units:

  • absence of an adjacent tooth from one side;
  • no baby predecessor which precedes the development of the permanent tooth;
  • the eruption takes place within the mature bone tissue.

Such peculiarities explain numerous problems with the third molars and why patients often visit the dentist to undergo wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey.

Prices for tooth extraction in DentaTur clinics in Turkey

The clinics within DentaTur chain in Turkey (Antalya, Istanbul, Fethiye, Marmaris) are staffed with highly-qualified dental surgeons with outstanding working experience. We use efficient anaesthetic injections that ensure a comfortable treatment. Other advantages of our dental centres include:

  • operating theatres with cutting-edge equipment;
  • individual selection of anaesthesia;
  • high level of sanitation and hygiene;
  • tooth extraction in complex cases, paediatric dental surgery;
  • affordable prices.

Leave your fears behind and call us right now. You are going to entrust your dental health to professionals!

Post-extraction recommendations

After a tooth is removed, the empty socket gets filled with a blood clot. A fully-fledged blood clot is the key to a quick, painless, and efficient socket healing. That is why it is crucial to take precautions aimed at preventing the clot’s leaving the socket. In order to ensure such a result, please follow these recommendations strictly:

  • During the first 3 days after the tooth extraction the patient is discouraged from washing his mouth and even spitting since such actions create a vacuum in the oral cavity which can make the blood clot shift.
  • A cotton pellet plugged by the doctor after the tooth extraction should be spat out in 20 minutes. Do not take food until the anaesthesia’s effect is over.
  • Do not eat hot foods for the first 3 days after the operation.
  • Do not eat dairy for the first 3 days after the operation.
  • For the first 5-7 days abstain from considerable physical activities.
  • It is forbidden to heat the treated area or apply compresses.
  • Do not go to the sauna, gym, swimming pool or sun tanning beds for 5 days after the operation.
  • In case of a complicated tooth extraction, the patient is allowed to eat only liquid or soft foods in the first 24 hours after the intervention. It is better to chew the food on the opposite side of the mouth.
  • During the first 2 days after the tooth extraction, it is necessary to abstain from smoking and drinking alcohol. If the doctor prescribes antibiotics, alcohol is forbidden for the whole duration of the treatment.
  • Use a soft toothbrush and try not to damage the empty socket while cleaning your teeth. The more thoroughly you take care of the treated area, the quicker it will heal. Wash your mouth carefully with cool drinking water after each meal to get rid of food residuals. Do not try to clean the socket with toothpicks or matches!
  • Take all the medications prescribed by your dentist.

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